

Hello and welcome to TheWonderofJesus.com - thank you for visiting.

The main goal of this website is to share the wonder of who Jesus is with America through inspirational posts, music and video. (And if you are not from America, you are certainly welcome too).

I believe that when people truly experience who Jesus is and what he has done for us, it should evoke a sense of wonder. That sense of wonder has been diluted in a never ending sea of banal drivel, that (I pray) is now coming to an end as we meet cold, hard reality.

This blog is for believers and non-believers alike.

For those who have accepted Jesus as their savior, it will provide encouragement, inspiration and conviction to be bold and active. For those who have not yet accepted Jesus, it will bring you (hopefully) a more accurate picture of who he is so that you can make up your own mind if you want to follow him. Jesus is many things, but, mundane and boring are not accurate descriptions of him.

We will also deal with current events and analyze them from a Biblical perspective.

There is evil rising in this country. Have you sensed it? There is deception at all levels - have you noticed it? However, there is also objective Truth, quite outside of ourselves, unchanging... immutable - do you want to find it? What is the role of This Generation in the current age as Jesus defined it? (The answer may surprise you). And just what exactly has gone wrong with America?! It seems something is horribly distorted and we are being bombarded with a cacophony of information, but few answers. I will be seeking to provide a framework for understanding what is going on and how we should recognize that Jesus is our only hope.

Why would I want to bring the gospel to America, you might ask? Hasn’t America sent missionaries overseas to share the gospel with remote tribes? Are we not a “Christian Nation?” - Well...

I have observed lately that there are a number of reasons why America needs the gospel now more than ever. Things have come full circle and the country that once was so proud and strong is being humbled. We will deal with this and also discuss what we can do about it. But for now, I want to suggest that many have rejected the wrong Jesus. If we still think he is out to get us, then we do not have an accurate picture of him. And many who have seen imperfect Christians may have a dim view of the Jesus that the tepid church in America so inaccurately portrayed.

I think you will agree that things are changing faster than ever, and the time has passed that we could afford to sit back and watch as things spiral out of control. The rubber has met the road, and it is time for Christians to engage the culture, or face a fairly rapid decay followed by annihilation.

... And on that happy note, here is one last thought for today: this blog may challenge you, but not in a judgmental or belligerent way. Jesus is about Grace. That does not mean the Truth can bend to our will, but it does mean that there is a God who has saved us from the objective reality of our own fallen state. The Truth will be presented in a loving way. Can we not be strong warriors who are firm in conviction, yet winsome in word? The enemy is deceit, but we cannot fight lies by attacking people who are made in the image of God. Conversely, we cannot win any battles if we never stand up for the Truth. I posit that we can do both, and in the mean time we can focus on Jesus through music and inspirational videos to continually remind ourselves that Jesus is, well... Awesome! (He is awesome for so many reasons, not the least of which is because he has infinite patience to extend unlimited forgiveness to our pitiful souls).

We’ll talk again soon.



The Truth is Under Assault