The Rapture

I have changed my mind on the doctrine of the rapture. Here is my meditation on Matthew 24:29-31

In 24:21, he describes these end times events as the great tribulation. The most severe tribulation ever in human history. He goes on to say, in verse 22, that if this tribulation continued, everyone would be destroyed and no one would be delivered from it. But he promises to cut it short “for the sake of the elect.” So, clearly, the elect are still here at the END of the tribulation. The end of the tribulation is at the close of Daniel’s seventieth week. After this, says Jesus, we will witness the famous end-of-the-world signs in the heavens, including the “sign of the Son of Man” - the unmistakable brightness of his coming that he has just indicated would be impossible to miss (like lightning).

And only THEN will he “gather his elect” from the four winds. This is the same event Paul describes as being “caught up” when the final trumpet sounds in 1Th 4:16 (as Jesus confirmed) in which the dead rise first followed by those of us (believers) who are still alive. We will fly up to meet the Lord in the air. He has said this happens at the very end of the tribulation, and his appearing marks the end since the great tribulation is, at that point, halted (or “cut short”). If Paul thought this was a pre-trib rapture, he would NOT have said, “those of US” who are still alive, which would include himself and all believers (had Jesus come back prior to Paul’s death). Paul clearly makes his statement to all Christians, not just Jews who accepted Christ after this mythical “pre-trib” rapture. The Pre-trib rapture flies in the face of Jesus’ clear teaching, as well as Paul’s (In 1Th 4:16). It creates two events where there is only one mentioned. The only reason to hold on to it is to preserve the false doctrine of “imminency,” which supposes that the rapture could happen at any time and is not preceded by events that could be recognized by the wise and alert Christian.

Look at 1Th 4:16-18, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words.” The Pre-trib crowd says, that it is “not very comforting” to go through the great tribulation. However, Paul was not giving them comfort that they would not face persecution and death. Instead, he was speaking to burdened Christians who had just seen their loved ones die, and he was telling them that they could have hope in the resurrection, that they would see their loved ones again! Moreover, they could have comfort that their current trials, though severe, are nothing compared to being with the Lord FOREVER! THAT is the comfort. To toss the Bible’s teaching on the post-tribulation rapture aside on such a weak argument is flippant and irresponsible. Again, Jesus himself confirms in Matthew 24:29, that his glorious second coming happens immediately AFTER the great tribulation, and this event includes a trumpet and the gathering (being “caught up”) of his elect. End of story! We either believe Jesus, or we don’t, but don’t twist his words!


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Lightning and The Coming of the Son of Man