Should We Continue to Resist Evil in the Last Days?

“Let us not grow weary of doing good“ ~ Gal. 6:9

As we have seen the world coming apart at the seams in the past couple of years of the pandemic, I have heard (and also thought to myself in one form or another) the following sentiment: “if the world we know is coming to a dreadful end very soon - and evil is only going to increase as the ancient prophecies proclaim - then, why should we waste time resisting that which is inevitable?  To put it another way: “if the bad guys are prophesied to take over the world before the final rule of Christ (when he returns to eradicate sin and death) why not just let the evil-doers win, thereby hastening Christ’s return?” 

I can certainly understand the thought process behind this question, and I believe many are asking it.  It appears obvious that we are coming to the End of the Age, and evil is so all-consuming and pervasive, it seems insurmountable.  And anyway, didn’t the book of Revelation indicate that the world will eventually be ruled by the Antichrist in the end times? 

Why should we resist world government when it is pre-ordained to happen?  

Let me give a few of reasons why I think giving up is not a good idea or a viable option: First, we are still here!  Jesus has not come to rapture his church which is probably the main thing standing in the way of the unmitigated spread of evil and resulting empire of the Antichrist. Prophecy was given to us so that we might know who wins the final battle and have hope in the worst of times so that we might not give up, but instead persist with all vigilance!  To derive any other motive from the prophets would be entirely missing the point.  Indeed, to conclude we should stop resisting evil would be the opposite of their intended purpose.  In the case of Christ’s return, it was not given to us to know the exact time so that we could see the “writing on the wall” and fall into passive compliance. Jesus admonished that none know the time of his return as he will come like a thief in the night:  “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,” - Matt. 24:36.

Second, even if we did know the exact time of his return, we are still called to be salt and light in this rotting and dark world (Matt. 5:13).  

It is against the very nature of a Christ-follower to ignore or go along with evil, for we cannot help being the light that we were created to be until Jesus takes us home or comes back for us.  

Moreover, there have been many times in history when God relented from his imminent plans for destruction after his people repented, and punishment was delayed or reversed.  See 2 Kings 20 - where Hezekiah prayed earnestly and God added fifteen years to his life and also delayed the destruction of Judah when it was threatened by the invading army of Assyria.  Or look at Exodus 32:10-12, when God said he would destroy the people and start over with Moses, but relented when Moses interceded for Israel.  It may well be that if Christians across the world rise up and resist evil, we will see a time of peace and blessing again.  But, in any case, it is never a good idea to let evil spread, as it always leads to suffering and the death of many vulnerable people (including children) whom we are called to protect.   

To allow evil to persist unchecked is itself a form of wickedness.  

There have been times in history when people swore it was the end of the world.  For example, when Islamic forces invaded Christendom around 700 AD, horrible death and destruction was wrought.  Catholics were tortured and churches were desecrated.  It was really bad, but it was far from the descriptions of apocalyptic destruction brought to us by the book of Revelation.  

So, while we must be ready for the end at any moment and watchful of the season we are in, we should never be too quick to assume that the end is going to happen in our lifetime in the sense of using that as an excuse for inaction.

Finally, even if resisting evil ends up to be a losing battle for the Church of our time and the end does occur within our lifetime, we may still provide a life boat to the poor passengers on this sinking Titanic we call earth.  By spreading the gospel, praying for positive change, and participating in civic activities to foster Biblical standards in society, we can still shine the light of salvation and take millions of souls with us to heaven before the curtain of the Age is drawn and Christ returns in power to remove evil once and for all.  

Christ wins.  That is the only inevitable truth.

Gal. 6:9-10 “9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone.”

So, don’t give up.  Instead, shine the light like never before.  His light is coming quickly.



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Jesus’ Primary Attribute: Love