My meditation this Sunday morning is on Matthew 23:2-12


“The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat, 3 so do and observe whatever they tell you, but not the works they do. For they preach, but do not practice.”

Jesus here is saying that he is more concerned with the heart. He does not want us burdened with endless rules to follow. Instead, our works should be sincere, often anonymous, and always done for the Lord. (Note: he does NOT say we should not do works in keeping with our faith. Rather, he says not to do hypocritical works like the Pharisees). He goes on to criticize any title that leads people to desire positions of power between the layman and God. He is skeptical of any position such as “father” or “instructor” that lends more authority to a mere man, and tempts him to elevate himself above others. Once again -I think for the third time in Matthew- he reminds us that the “first shall be last.” He wants sincerity and humility expressed in service, not outward rule-following with pride - expressed with domination.

Yet, Paul called us to have teachers and deacons etc. The disciples appointed levels of authority in the early church. So, as we have seen before in Matthew, it seems Jesus is using strong verbal assertions (sometimes he also will use hyperbole) to emphasize a point in opposition to the corruption of his contemporaries. Yes, he condemns setting up intermediaries between the people and God. However, I believe he would still allow some levels of authority to organize the church - so long as the leaders are selected for their humility and servant’s heart, and it is remembered that, in the sense of equality before God, we are all brothers. He would not tolerate power struggles and strict hierarchy, or the idea that some are “better” or more holy than others due to outward acts… and he dislikes pompous clothing signifying one’s position and status. The bottom line, again, is that he hates hypocrisy and pride. He wants sincerity and humility lived out.

…He wants sincere works of love to be performed. He never said not to express our devotion in service to Him! Just that we should NOT do it like the Pharisees.


Lightning and The Coming of the Son of Man

